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There is no defensive firearm technique that will effectively protect an individual from a lunging or charging attack launched at conversational distance by one armed with an “contact weapon” (knife, tire-iron, broken bottle, screwdriver, baseball bat, etc.).  Even skilled gun handlers are unable to draw and fire in the less-than-one-second it takes for an attacker to close from six or eight feet, and in any case even a mortally wounded assailant will still be able to close with his victim from that distance and inflict serious injury before he falls  

To effectively cope with such an attack, even one armed with a handgun must have the ability to exert at least temporary control over the attacker in order to avoid him, subdue him, or deflect him, or otherwise buy the time necessary to bring a firearm to bear.  There are practical and effective means to achieve such control in the opening seconds of a sudden, contact distance altercation.

This course is a two-day, first-level course covering the basic concepts, movement, and tactics that go into any successful defense in the opening moments of a violent, contact-distance assault.  It is intended as an adjunct to firearms training and techniques for both law enforcement and private citizens.  This is not a martial arts course and requires no martial arts background.  Rather, it is a “blueprint” of a strategy people of average physical ability can use to avoid crippling injury long enough to gain control of a situation.

This program is based upon the system developed by Steve Tarani and the Operational Skills Group, combining familiar body movements with specialized principles.  All course instructors have been trained by Mr. Tarani personally, and offer this course with his approval.

Five specific exercises are used to develop an understanding of the system.  


Those who successfully complete the course will be able to:

  •  Control distance in the event of a long range (6-8 feet), Close Range (contact distance) or Extreme Close Quarters (grappling distance) contact weapon attack. 

  • Recognize the most common types of contact weapon attack, as well as advantages and disadvantages of common grips, stances and methods of contact weapon operation that are commonly used against an unsuspecting victim.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to gain advantageous body position in a contact weapon altercation. 

  • Demonstrate knowledge of what is necessary to gain control of an attacker or suspect operating a contact weapon, in realistic contact weapon situations, at distances of less than eight feet. 

  • Competently employ techniques of evasion, escape and control of an aggressor to defend themselves.

  • Confidently gain control of an aggressor via transition from one Contact Defense and Control technique to another, as the dynamic situation demands. 

  • Quickly recognize whether a contact weapon attack is a lethal or less-than-lethal use-of-force situation. 

  • Control the line of attack, and quickly and realistically protect center mass and other vital areas from fatal laceration, puncture or other impact damage, long enough to ward off the attack and counter. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of one’s legal rights and limitations when attacked at contact distance.

  • Cost
    The Cost is $475 (which includes $75 in range fees). Payment in full is required upon enrollment. Fees become non-refundable 30 days before the course date. If the course cancels for any reason, you will get a full refund.
  • Course Format
    Lectures (approximately 5 hrs.), and live-fire exercises (approximately 18 hrs). There will be objective skills tests throughout the course.
  • Instructor
    Instructors: TThe Rangemaster is Peter Georgiades. Peter has 25+ years’ experience teaching firearms and defensive tactics. He has been certified to instruct by the NRA (rifle, pistol, shotgun, and personal protection), the State of Arizona (issued CCW Instructor Cert. No. 8769268), and by OSG as a contact distance defense instructor. Peter’s training as an instructor (as distinct from firearms training) includes the Gunsite Law Enforcement Carbine Instructor Cert. Course, Marksman's Enterprise 3-day instructor courses (carbine and pistol), and the LLC "Contact Weapons Defense Instructor" program. His most important training, however, has been working hundreds of hours directly under experienced, professional instructors. Other experienced range officers will assist.
  • Class Size
    In order to maintain a close instructor-to-student ratio, enrollment in this course is limited to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 participants. If there are not six people enrolled 30 days before the course date, the course will be cancelled and all tuition refunded to those who have enrolled.
  • Prerequisites
    There are no training prerequsites, as this is a first-level course. It is, however, expected students will have a basic familiarity with rifles. All participants must be 18 years of age or older. Proof of no criminal history is required. Holding a current Pennsylvania License to Carry Concealed or in a Motor Vehicle, or a license to practice a regulated profession which requires one not have any criminal history (such as a license to practice law or medicine, or a nursing license) will suffice as proof of no criminal history. If those are not available, you can get a certificate of no criminal history from your local police department or Sheriff (the cost is under $20). The lead instructor is sole and the final arbiter of whether the credentialing prerequisite has been satisfied.
  • Physical Requirements
    Because this course is designed to assist YOU to plan and make decisions using the resources YOU actually have, and not for tactical ninjas. Therefore, we will work with you in whatever condition you are in. The elderly or one with a physical disability may not be able to assume one or more of the shooting positions we cover, or perform one or more of the exercises. That’s okay. Just tell the Rangemaster about any particular disabilities you may have. If you cannot do it one way, we will find another way. (There is always another way.) We expect you to refrain from attempting any exercise that is beyond your physical capability.
  • Equipment Requirements
    There is certain equipment which is REQUIRED in this course. One may not proceed without the following: · Ear protection and Eye protection. · Cap or hat with baseball-style bill. This is to prevent ejected brass from your or another shooter's rifle from falling between your eyewear and your eye, burning you. It is important gear. · Firearm, clean and zeroed. We do zero during the course, but zeroing before class saves time. · At least two magazines. We prefer you have three, in case one malfunctions. Either 20-round magazines or 30-round magazines will work fine in the course. Extended magazines or drum magazines are impractical. · Knee and elbow pads. The inexpensive kind worn by skateboarders, or pads worn by carpenters and carpet layers, are sufficient. · Magazine holster or pouch which is worn on the support side (“weak hand” side) of your belt. BDU pockets and M-16 ammo pouches will get you through, but will slow you down. · 700 Rounds of "Ball" Ammunition. Almost all shooting will be inside 50 yards, so there is no need for “match grade” ammunition, and its use would be a waste of money. By the same token, your investment of time and money in this course does justify the use of reasonably consistent factory ammunition. Different brands and loads of ammunition will significantly affect the “zero” of AR-15’s, so we recommend using one brand of ammunition if possible. For close in drills, any ammunition that functions the rifle will work. No incendiary, tracer or armor-piercing ammunition is allowed. · A carry strap ("sling"). We run a “hot” range, and rifles must be slung unless they are racked, grounded, or in the shooter's hands on line. Any strap or sling which allows the rifle to be carried muzzle up or muzzle down is fine. No slings which hold the muzzle in a horizontal position while being carried are permitted. "SIngle point" slings are okay, SO LONG AS you do not cover your feet with your muzzle. · A ground cloth, shooting mat or other cover (such as an old blanket), to cover the ground dring exercises during which you will be periodically sitting or lying prone. · Sight-adjustment tool for iron sights on your particular rifle. (These are available at gun shows or mail order for between $7 and $25, depending upon the type.) There is other equipment that is not required, but which we believe will enhance your experience of the course. We therefore recommend you bring the following: · Optic or sight. Optics are optional - iron sights are fine. If you do use an optic, it should be of a low-power type (e.g., red-dot, or less than 4 X magnification). Higher power scopes will not work well. · Soft drinks or water. There is no water on the range itself, and the Club house is too far to run back and forth. No alcohol is to be consumed within eight hours of the start of any course session or during the course. · Lunch. Bag lunches are fine. This particular Club also sells lunches and soft-drinks in the Clubhose, at reasonable prices. · Back-up rifle or complete bolt assembly. Having a second rifle available is a good idea, if you own or can borrow one. Firearms do break, and we cannot stop the course to make repairs. If you do not have a second rifle, a complete bolt assembly will enable you to swap bolts in the AR-style rifles, as a 60 second repair to most malfunctions. · Something with which to take notes; binoculars; gloves; camera; sunscreen; folding chair.
  • Credentials
    Credentials: Proof that you are 18 or older and have no criminal history is required. A current Pennsylvania License to Carry Concealed or in a Motor Vehicle is sufficient proof of no criminal history. A a license to practice a regulated profession which requires one not have any criminal history (such as a license to practice law or medicine, or a nursing license) will also suffice, as will law enforcement officer credentials. If those are not available, you can get a certificate of no criminal history from your local police department or your County Sheriff (the cost is under $20). The Rangemaster is the final arbiter of whether the credentialing prerequisite has been satisfied.
  • Certificate
    Certificate: A certificate of completion is awarded to all who complete the course successfully. Because this course satisfies the continuing education requirement for NRA law enforcement instructor certification, if you are in that program and need the credits, let us know and we will issue you a letter verifying your participation.
  • Next Session and Course Location:
    THIS COURSE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED. The next session of this course will be on JuLY 25, 25 and 27, 2025 (Friday through Sunday). The location will be the Greater Pittsburgh Gun CLub, 920 King Road, Bulger, PA 16109. This is located 25 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. Thier web site is Affordable motels are located within 15 minutes of the Club.

This course is sponsored as a public service by the Pennsylvania Firearms Development Corporation, a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization organized under Pennsylvania law.  

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Col. Jeff Cooper  (U.S.M.C. Ret.) 

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